Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Anti-Racist Hysteria: A Never-Ending Story

When George Floyd was killed, the entire western world was united in defeating racism. Corporations pledged to combat it and they hired diversity officers to make this more likely. The mass outrage was palpable and bled through every column inch, each Twitter post, and the publication declarations of every Tom, Dick and Prince Harry denounced the evils of intolerance, bigotry, and racism. Promising, you might think if we lived in another time. But we live in an increasingly radicalised world and cut a little over a year post-Floyd and we find almost millions of dollars’ worth of rioting damage, thousands of dead and wounded, and hundreds and counting of gutted police forces. It has become clear that the world wasn’t primed for a positive push against discrimination, and instead, after decades of extreme post-Marxist ideologies pushed by a radical activist class, the Western world is embroiled in a full-frontal, bloody, and damaging war of ideas between the activists, who control the media and the language, and the defenders of Liberalism.

BLM Ideas Matter. Less police = more crime.

The mainstream media, deranged by over three years of Trump, gave up its position as arbiter of truth and became mouthpieces for the extreme activist class. There is no greater symbol of this than the Orwellian double-speak of the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Posts’ ‘Democracy Dies in Darkness’ moniker, a newspaper which called the leader of ISIL Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi an “austere religious scholar, a paper which has a whole page dedicated to BLM activism, and which now regularly runs headlines such as ‘Calling food “exotic” reinforces xenophobia and racism,’ as it did on 8th July 2021. The rot extends to most mainstream left-leaning media, who have gone full Woke, such as the New York Times fired editors and others felt compelled to leave a toxic work environment. Now the roost is ruled by Woke activists like Nicole Hannah Jones, who attempt to re-write history and promote the neo-Marxist call to arms.

                                                                                         The whole world is problematic

Claims that ‘whiteness is evil’ haven’t yet been made so cavalierly on the BBC, you find them more commonly on media such as race grifters like Mehdi Hasan on his MSNBC show the peacock, “white supremacy is on the rise,” despite recent FBI statistics which clearly show the opposite to be the case. Hasan claimed too on his popular show that not only have the mainstream media been “too white for too long,” but that England has been too. Further still, the MSNBC anchor Joy Reid, among a whole host of lies and deceptions, says things like anyone defending the white policeman who shot Makiyah Bryant is motivated by racism. Let’s ignore the facts that Bryant was actively attempting to stab (another black girl) with a large knife at the time. It doesn’t matter: if you support the officer, you’re a white supremacist. Or look now at media commentator and Temple University professor Marc Lamont Hill on his show claimed that "all white people are connected to racism”. These sentiments are now becoming increasingly comment, more flagrant and more in keeping with the moral panic of the Red Scare or anti-Jewish hysteria of the 1930s in Nazi Germany, with its all-too-familiar ending. Now even people usually opposed to Woke mobs like Thomas Chatterton Williams, hopped on board the moral outrage bandwagon. He condemned the residuum of society while he was at it – the British white working class. For a middle-class black male from the richest society on earth, an easy target.

                                                           Moral mobs can even affect the typically anti-Woke

And now we have a continued moral panic, a new furore, whipped up by the media’s attempt to serve Theory to the masses. After a football season long of Woke gesturing of footballers taking the knee before every game and continuing into the Euros 2020 (taking place in 2021), the Euros ends with a renewal of the rush to avert the dangers of racism lurking behind every crevice of British society. There is only one problem with the accounts of racism. Of all the accounts – the “vile abuse” as condemned by Prince William, and a who’s who list of other celebrities and public figures, turns out to be mostly from spambots and fake, burner accounts. According to a SEMrush analysis of racist comments and emojis posted in the hours after the match, there appeared to be coming mostly from India and the Middle East. Of the slew of supposed racial abuse, only one person has been identified, an employee of Savills, a real estate company. BBC Newsnight reported that a total of – wait for it – five UK accounts posted racist abuse to one of the three players in question. That’s right: five. 31.1 million people watched the game live and five UK accounts sent racist abuse. This is the moral emergency the media and the morally enlightened amongst us tell us must be addressed as a matter of national urgency.  
Non-UK based racist abuse

The UK’s Conservative Home Secretary Priti Patel, however, was inundated with racist abuse, and a betting man would put his money on her receiving more than five racist messages from UK-based accounts. She was a target because she opposed taking the knee, after Woke footballer Tyrone Mings posted the following on Twitter “you don’t get to stoke the fire at the beginning of the tournament by labelling our anti-racism message as ‘Gesture Politics’ “then pretend to be disgusted when the very thing we’re campaigning against, happens”. The Marxist Left – confused deliberately or otherwise about the scale of the problem, then use this cynically to push their divisive agenda, enabled by ignorant foot soldiers like Mings. This cynical ploy is a flagrant excuse to push the divisive Woke agenda in opposition to all reason, proportion and evidence required to make sensible policy decisions in a grown-up society.

                                                              Racist abuse directed at the Home Secretary Priti Patel

Like an immune system overreacting to benign foreign bodies and having an allergic reaction, our whole country – a country that is not racist – is not undergoing this process, the process of a moral panic, a healthy body becoming diseased from a virus-engineered hypersensitivity reaction. Friends of mine, decent people too, because of the furore and moral panic, have been cast under this same, deeply divisive spell– and it’s what it is; a pernicious fantasy. It’s heartening to see the degree of support for these players, who should not be blamed for missing a penalty kick, and who are even more devastated than their mostly adoring fans, who are proud of their performance in getting the country closer to major silverware in a football competition for the first time in 55 years. But this is the panic that will now prompt a wave protests, violence and insidious measures by the Woke corporations, universities and institutions in our societies.

Despite the Woke activists repudiation of science, we must look at this permormative drama rationally, using the available evidence at our disposal. Saka, Rashford and Sterling. Pages and pages of messages of support of love, solidarity, and administrations -millions upon millions of likes, comments and supporting statements overall. Almost every message is written I’ve seen from football personalities after the game has expressed solidarity with the players. You could spend a lifetime compiling all the messages of support.

                          Anti-racist hysteria. The whole country supports the players.

We need greater accountability and transparency to identify hateful speech when it does occur online so that it can be diagnosed, discouraged, and called out. A system of identity verification on social media can help with this. But we cannot continue represented the actions of some individuals (perhaps aided by pernicious overseas actor’s intent on sewing division) to be represented at the views of a nation, or something endemic to the culture of a society. For this reason, we stand with the England players, whatever race, and oppose the Marxist activist class sewing division and with the forces of reason, rationality, Liberalism and progress.