Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Why Booing the Knee is An Act of Patriotism


Tyrone Mings and Ben White kneeling for England versus Romania

It's hardly the best optics: a group of mostly white football fans booing a group of kneeling football players, many of them black, football players like Marcus Rashford MBE, a hero by many accounts due to his voluntary community work. Players who, together with their manager Gareth Southgate so adamantly expressed that their kneeling is not a political gesture, but rather a gesture intending to oppose racism in all its forms. Southgate did so eloquently in a letter addressed to England fans, fondly bringing to mind the values bestilled in him by his grandfather. Many players, after all, have been the victims of online racist abuse.

There’s just one problem with this particular narrative, and the problem is this: Black Lives Matter is a political movement whose well-publicised aims include defunding of the police and the destruction of the capitalistic state (among other lesser matters like defunding science and opposing meritocracy and objectivism). Kneeling, although not birthed directly from BLM’s hoary vagina, was -after Kaepernick’s prolonged 5 minutes of fame – hurriedly rushed into their warm and loving embrace, fostered by them, and now deployed, along with the raised fist, as a protest symbol on marches and rallies. Indeed, some BLM supporters are so enthusiastic about kneeling that they invited (hmm no, encouraged, well actually, insisted, in fact, more like intimidated) white pedestrians to kneel and apologise for their original sin of whiteness.

Kneeling like other gestures over the past year is a political message. These political messages include the virtual banners displayed by Sky Sports during their live football matches, the physical BLM banners sprawled across the terraces, and the players wearing ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ on their shirts. These are political symbols supported by a political movement helped by host institutions who have been captured by the movement like a zombie plague and intimidated its opponents into silence. This exact species of silence that CRT’s opponents have fallen into has a name, given to it by social scientists, a ‘spiral of silence'. This is the type of silence whereby a minority group can control the narrative of a larger group, as the smaller group’s narrative spreads and becomes dominant, the larger group keeps schtum through fear of isolation, social castigation, or cancellation. Throw in a touch of intimidation, bullying and harassment, and the context of centuries of actual race-based oppression, and you have the rancid cake baked in our current political oven.

BLM at the Emirates Stadium

CRT’s zombie plague spread so quickly through our institutions, in part through the use of a cunning argument called the 'motte-and-bailey' fallacy. This is where an argument or idea is advanced which has two different positions existing simultaneously, side-by-side. The ‘motte’ is the easily defendable position, that black lives matter (lower case), something accepted by almost all reasonable members of the genus Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The ‘bailey’ is the extreme position, Black Lives Matter (uppercase), the political movement. The political movement contains a panoply of ghoulish civilisation-ending disinnovations which if allowed to continue to infect all institutions unopposed, could very well be the end of Western liberal democracy, and which, worrying, will appear to be in the throes of. The motte argument argued by Southgate, the players, ESPN and the media class is that “the players are only kneeling due to personal preference.” This was echoed by the F.A.’s ‘Equity & Inclusion Director,’ necessarily a woman of colour, whose job itself is part of that spread and whose function is to further it. The bailey argument contains all of the disinnovations being implemented inside our schools, universities and institutions.

Even comedy is unfunny now due to wokeism, and that’s according to Chris Rock, someone who knows a thing or two about making the funnies. It’s allowed universities like Yale where professors now talk openly about fantasies of killing white people, companies like Lockheed Martin, the U.S.A.’s largest defence contractor, who send their white employees on missions to ‘deconstruct their white male privilege,’ and facilitated the New York Times opinion editor being fired because he wanted to carry a range of political opinion rather than single woke narratives. Oxford University recently voted to remove a portrait of Queen Elizabeth, Bristolians decided it would be fun to topple a statue of the philanthropist Edward Colston and some Londoners decided to defile Winston Churchill’s statue ‘Churchill was racist’ graffiti. Even the National Trust now considers its primary mission to commission reports to let the public know about its building’s colonial past, rather than its remit to protect Britain’s historic buildings.

Churchill's statue with 'was a racist' daubed on it

So we boo not because we want the players to feel bad, nor because we are a bunch of uneducated, racist hooligans, but because we love our country. We love its history, being built as it has on the soldiers of giants, and on the broken backs of unforgotten soldiers – men of Southgate’s grandfather’s generation - who gave their lives to uphold the ideals of Western liberal democracy, equality for all, and a colour-blind society that cares not about the colour of your skin, but about the content of your character. We boo because we want to stand up for science, stand up for merit, stand up for empiricism and objectivism. We stand up for the principles which have bestowed on us all of the invention and innovation that comfort our lives in the 21st century, including the freedom to discuss toxic ideas such as CRT.

So, the next time the England players take the knee, don’t allow the media class to seduce you into silence with their erroneous ‘motte’ offering. They’re baking you a cake which they’ve pissed in; don’t take a slice. However well-worded Southgate’s letter, it’s still just a piss-take, because it’s a piss-cake. It is our moral duty and obligation to not eat cakes full of piss, just as its out moral duty and obligation to fill our lungs with air and with as much vociferous fortitude as our lung capacity can afford, boo as loudly as humanly possible, and oppose this evil woke ideology starting on the football pitch. So come on, for Queen and country, after 3; 1-2-3... boooooooooooooooo!