Saturday, 6 March 2021

You Know What it Is

 You Know What It Is

It's a creamy cup of choccy coffee
Scalding hot your tippy tongue
A teeny fleck of sticky toffee
Cling film wrapped round bleeding gums

It's a big beige blob of Bradford Brylcreem
Holding handsome hair on your first date
A hairspray wash and comb regime
But just one strand still out of place

It's a little like licking limes and lemons
Instead of chewing chocolate cake
A bucket full of rind, no melon
Washed down with water from the lake

It's a precious painted pretty picnic
Broke and bent by bustling bees
It's your food pipe turned all acidic
As you traipse among the tilted trees

It's a slicing, slashing stab
Somewhere 'neath the breast bone
Dripping eyes you dry and dab
On a long drive home

It's the slitting, splitting of a suture
When the wound was on the mend
It's the contemplation of her future
Home alone with him again