Saturday, 6 March 2021

Margarie, my sweet

Margarie, my sweet

Margarie, darling,
have you seen my sticky toffees?
You're a diabetic Albert,
sit down and have a coffee

Margarie sweetie,
is this wardrobe locked?
Albert, close the fridge door,
put on your other sock

Margarie, honey,
Which milk is most fresh?
Albert leave the pepper shakers
It's time for a rest

But Margarie most precious
The clocks haven't gone back
Well Albert, a pot full of pasta
Sharn't help you with that

Maggie, little bird,
it's almost quarter to three
It's fifteen past nine Albert,
Couldnt you see?

Oh, Margarie, my mallard
Would you pass me a pen?
Albert here's a large tissue
You're crying again

Margarie you know
I really do love you so
You're my turtle dove at Christmas
You're my walk in the snow

You're my dazzling little gem
My shining light, my canoe
That would save me from a freezing lake
You're my life jacket too

You know Mags,
Whenever I'm in trouble you're always there in a flash
Like when I stubbed my toe in high school
And you bandaged up the gash

I promised I'd always love you
When we bought our first flat
Birdie, I love you more than ever;
Please remember that

Sorry Mr Albert
There's something everyday you learn
That I just come to clean the dishes
Wipe the stove and urn,

Where your dear wife rests
In black ash and in soot
Please put down her photograph
I must dress the other foot