Saturday, 6 March 2021

A Christmas Poem

 A Christmas Poem

'Twas the night before Christmas
But nobody cared
Job losses a-plenty
No presents to share

The high street was quiet
The angel's glow dim
Pub doors locked
No room at the inn

Consider the children
Who this Christmas night
Lay under their covers
No presents in sight

But I have a secret
Known only by few
A gift so special
That if only we knew

The big tree would glisten
And sparkle and bling
The children awaken
Would dance, smile and sing

Bright houses would dazzle
Old rivalries mend
Your loves one's embrace
No longer pretend

So what is this secret
That I talk about?
No need to whisper
Let's holla and shout

Take a moment to pause
When feeling despair
The shopkeeper's eyes
The little boy's stare

The shudder of cold
On a grey winter's day
The dancing of light
On the dock of the bay

Will tell you the truth
That was here all along
The world is a hymn sheet
Your existence a song

So join with me now
For nothing can last
In helping the stranger
Who struggles on past